Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Guy gets “knocked the f' out”

Guy gets “knocked the f' out”
Actually, the guy that did the knock out appears to have done one of those wrestling punches. You know, the open hand arm attack.
The part that really shocks me is the friend of the knocked out dude just walks away from his friend. What a way to look out for your bro, dude. I also like that one woman comes into frame and looks, “Yep, he's knocked out.”
You don't have to fight the other guy, but at least make an attempt to help the guy on the floor.
The guy knocked out is in really bad shape. From Local, ((Hussein was taken to Jackson Memorial Hospital's Ryder Trauma Center, where he remains in a coma. Police said he suffered bleeding to his brain. ))
Yes, the man is in a coma. WTF?
This of course happened in Florida.

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