Thursday, December 11, 2014

Beyonce: 7/11

Beyonce: 7/11
I don't think she talking about those convenient stores that sell you 40oz beers and lottery tickets. Or, maybe she is...
 Okay, the song is total shit. I mean it is robotic clapping shit that Beyonce is way above because she actually knows how to sing. And, this is just catering to the crowds that like this shitty version of hip. Why are people in this form auto-tuning, which really distorts the voices of the singers? How did this get popular?
It is just another song that gives you instructions into how to dance. Thanks, but no thanks, Beyonce. It just repeats over and over again. 
 Now, the video is actually not that bad. It probably has to do with Beyonce shaking her well-formed booty and seeing the other dancers bounce around in their underwear. Is the video “sexist”? I don't care, I like it.
Is this what good-looking women do when they have a sleepover? 

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