Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Slam City with Scottie Pippen: Holy Crap

Slam City with Scottie Pippen
Yes, this game actually happened. I discovered this little overlooked game from reading Sega-16. I was like, “wait, they made a game like this?” They hired actors and filmed, probably over days, this shit and put it to CD.
The best part of this shitty Sega CD game is Scottie Pippen actually “raps” the title song. Making a game after Jordan's Wing man is a bit weak. I guess Pippen saw Jordan's shitty video game and wanted to make his own. For his part, Pippen looks completely bored. Leave the shitty acting and rapping to Shaq, Scottie.

You have to love how the Sega CD and the 32X were full of shovel-ware games. I'm so glad we moved away from this shit, except now we just have hundreds of clones of the same game like the COD games or those football games.  But damn we were in a bad place with these FMV games.  
I sucked at basketball, yes I am a black guy, so these sports games had little interest from me. But, looking back at this shit is wonderfully funny.  Does Pippen look back at this game fondly like Shaq does with Shaq-Fu?  Does he even remember he made a game?  
-Who wrote this “street music”? I am almost sure this is the same composer as the Toe Jam and Earl fame. It sounds just like those games, but worst.

 Please note the Sega Seal of Quality.  I always laugh when I see that seal on shitty games. 

-Side stories: I love how there are random videos of the various characters talking to each other or making fun of you.
-FMV at it fullest: Yes, this was when they made games out of full motion videos instead of actual gameplay.
-Fou discs: Yep, the game has four discs. And it is all filled up with MPEG files. I love that FF7 had 3-4 dics and was full of content.
-Button Mashing: It looks like no one playing the game can really make the character do anything. Way to be interactive, Sega.
My favorite incident. The guy says, “Your ball, junior!” He then pops the ball with his bare hands (off screen). When it switches back to “gameplay” the ball has fully recovered from being popped. WTF?

Is this worst than Night Trap?  

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