Sunday, July 06, 2014


Well, talk about going viral.  Holy smokes.  I watched the video and I am truly shocked by it because it was just one random but almost the entire dance floor.  I wouldn’t have been surprised if she threw in a couple of women too.  I won't post the video here, but if you dig hard enough, you'll find it.  Even I am shocked by it.  
If you’re an adult and aware of your actions, fine do what you want.  And, I am not her attacking on that.  Heck look at Girls Gone Wild, but you’re taking it a step further when you start to blow random people on the dance floor for a bottle of wine.  (Now, there are conflicting reports about why she did the speed round blow.)  In the porn industry, you’re getting paid and plus you’re supposed to know that the people you blow have been tested.   It just doesn’t come across as being smart to do this sort of thing with a bunch of people, especially when there are cameras everywhere.   
However, I am of two minds about this story.  I don’t think we should slut shame her either for her strange choices.  If a woman wants to randomly blow men, fine.  But on the dance floor and for some expensive wine?  
It just seems an odd thing to do in a public place. 
The kicker is the woman in the video hails from religious parents. Way to instill religious beliefs in your child, people.  And, her religious parents forgive her.  
Given I am a scholar when it comes to porn terms, I've never heard of Mamading.
From Huffington Post, ((It is believed to be an example of “mamading” – a “game” where bars encourage young women to perform sex acts in return for free alcohol. ))

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