Monday, July 14, 2014

I am just confused.

What in the heck did I just witness?
I discovered this strange but funny video via this guy. He watched the video with the same perplexing expression as I. I mean what hell was with the strange porno music and the slow motion stud? What is he mouth to her, “10001010110100110?”
Yes, despite the 90's CD Rom video game music, this intro video was produced in 2013. From what I can gather, this woman animates and designs most of these CGI characters. After watching numerous videos, I haven't laughed this much in a laugh time. (And, yes I get the 80s reference.) 

I can't really attack her because I am confused and at a loss for words. The creator of the videos can freely come in here and explain her motivation for these videos.
Anyway, I have lusted after a certain group of CGI characters...dancing. Just not in the same manner.

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