Saturday, July 12, 2014

Developer leader surprised by JJ Abrams dissing of Star Trek: The Game

Developer leader surprised by JJ Abrams dissing of Star Trek: The Game
I actually remembered JJ bashing the game. I even remember Paramount really pushing the tie-in video game. Remember that rather funny William Shatner ad? Yes, I still laugh every time I see it.
Something went horribly wrong with the game though. From Gamerhub via IGN, (("The last game, which was obviously a big disappointment to me, was something that we were actually involved in at the very beginning...and then we sort of realized that it was not going in a place that we were going to get what we wanted." Abrams told Gamerhub. "So we dropped out and they continued to do it despite…y'know." ))
Ouch, JJ really spilled the beans on this one. That was part of the marketing gimmick, claiming the same people that worked on the movie worked on the game. He made it a point to mention that they tried to distance themselves from the game. JJ went on to say that the game actually hurt Into Darkness as well. Double ouch.
The creative director says he was shocked to hear JJ dis the game. From IGN, (("I was kind of surprised, personally, to see one of the most awesome, popular and successful film directors working today slagging on that project. It kind of shook me, actually." ))
It would too. However, I'd like to know exactly the dev's side of the story in this thing though. I would say that the game looks nice and the score by Michael Giacchino (the movie composer) for the game is amazing. I also like that the game is the bridge between the two movies and is actually mentioned in latest movie.
Something tells me JJ will take more control of everything that Disney connects to his Star Wars movie. 
  Kirk: “Spock, I just sharted in my suit.”
Spock: “Luckily, Jim, the suit self-cleans itself.” 
Spock: “I just realized I just entered into Pon Far.”
Kirk: “Look, I am your friend, but I can't help you with that.”
Spock: “What about the needs of the one?”
Kirk: “Different time line, Spock.” 

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