Sunday, June 01, 2014

X-Men: Days of Future Past (2 of 2)

X-Men: Days of Future Past
Hunger Games indeed.
 One thing that the movie does so well is handling the various storylines from the X-Movies.  And, all the X-Men movies are mentioned or dealt with in this story.  Keep in mind though that this is clearly a sequel to X-Men: First Class with the bookend stories being callbacks to the first three movies. 
Singer and his writers really pay tribute to the X-Men movie lore while giving us some nice touches on the comic X history.  Heck, they had Bishop show up in the future settings.  The timeline stuff could be viewed as being confusing, but I think Singer handled those issues fairly well. 
I loved seeing future Wolverine trying to get into vibe of his past self’s life.  The setting of the 70s is a nice change of pace from the 60s in the first movie.  Plus, we also get an extended view of Nixon and his dealings with mutants.  Setting the movie in the 70s was a brilliant move. 
The far future setting was impressive too.  We get to see our old heroes, with the same actors, as darker versions of themselves. 
-Anna Paquin : Look for a cameo by our favorite vampire lover. I have had a huge crush on Paquin, and I hate that they cut out her major scene (set in the dark future). But, she is still in the movie.
-Sentinels are cool but deadly: We've been waiting for these guys for years, and they pay off. There are two sets of Sentinels. The future versions are very cool, while the 70s versions weren't that impressive.
-Ellen Page: It is nice to see Singer didn't re-cast her from X3 considering that he had nothing to do with that movie.
-Stay after the credits.
-There are some major cameos from characters from all three movies. I won't spoil them.
-Toad is different.  Huh?
-I love the last five minutes with all the cameos and the major plot point. 
X-Men Days of Future Past is a very good movie and it is right up there with X2.  It helps reboot the franchise and gives us a clear direction where the X franchise will go.  The acting all around is top-notch.  The story is a lot of fun and well told.  Also love that they brought back the X-Men 2 theme.  Singer and Matthew Vaughn did an outstanding job. What an enjoyable X-Men movie and screw X3. 
Grade:  A-

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