Saturday, June 14, 2014

Jaden Smith as Batman at a wedding

Jaden Smith as Batman at a wedding

I read and heard about this weeks ago, but I figured I'd talk about it right now. Jaden Smith decided it would be a good idea to go to Kanye and Kim's wedding dressed fully as Batman...Wedding Batman. Look, Batman is cool and everything, but this is outrageous (truly truly) and down right stupid. If you're going to a theme wedding, then it is okay to dress as Batman.
It should also be noted that Jaden also dress in full Iron Man digs earlier in the year. And, I mean full Iron Man gear.
I guess growing up as a rich kid, you never had someone tell you what is or isn't right to wear. Anyway, Jaden and his sister seem to be caught up inanother cult right along with the Scientology one. Look, Jaden, you probably have more in common with Xenu than Batman or Iron Man.     
Yes, that's Joe Francis, the biggest D-bag ever.  Somehow, everything about this guy gives me chills.  

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