Friday, June 13, 2014

Dead Island 2 Trailer

Dead Island 2 Trailer
This is probably one of the most amusing trailers I've seen for a video game in a long time. This was shown at the Sony Press Conference at E3.
-I love that the jogger already has a bite mark on his wrist, but doesn't seem to be too concerned.
-I have to wonder if this trailer is a nod to the GTA series.
-I love that the jogger is a total d-bag. He gestures to that chick on rollerstakes right before she gets attacked by zombies.
-I really smiled when he turns into a zombie and jogs with the rest of the zombies. It is almost like Thriller.
-Please note that the woman on the skates is now a zombie. She also survives the van attack.
-Wilhelm Scream! Listen for it.
-They steal a zombie's shoes.  

The whole trailer is just funny.  

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