Sunday, May 04, 2014

RIP Bob Hoskins

RIP Bob Hoskins
"I got no keys for these cuffs!"
From NY Daily News, ((His agent told BBC News that Hoskins, 71, died of pneumonia. He had suffered for several years from Parkinson’s disease, which forced him to retire from acting in 2012.))
I fondly remember Hoskins from one of my faverite movies Who Framed Roger Rabbit (please, Eddie). He played the gruff, heavy drinker Eddie Valiant . He was one of there better things in Hook  as well. And you can tell he was having a lot of fun with the role. Then, there was the often mocked Super Mario Bros.  And, yes that movie was shit, but he gave it his all, despite the shit that happened behind the scenes.
I loved his take as J. Edgar Hoover in the often overlooked Nixon movie. His take was better than Leonardo DiCaprio's version of the character I thought. Another overlooked movie is Heart Condition with Denzel. It was the one where a racist cop receives a heart from a black guy.

It's sad to see this guy leave us. So, long, Eddie. 
BTW, here's the "cow pie" scene! Eddie even reacts to running over the cow pie as it makes a fart sound!

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