Sunday, May 04, 2014

Rakesh Agrawal, damn you, twitter!

Twitter causes another person to lose their job. 

 From The Drum, ((PayPal’s strategy chief Rakesh Agrawa has left the company after he took to Twitter to rant and swear about his colleagues. ))
Great job, Twitter. Look, I've had some major-major meltdowns but usually through e-mails, so only one person at a time knew I was losing it. However, Twitter just broadcast to the world you're having a meltdown. I just think nothing good comes from this social media for the most part.
Something tells me there wasn't much strategy going on when he went to Twitter to attack his fellow workers.
((‘Christina Smedley is a useless. Piece of s**t.’ ))
(("Oh. I quit pay a tonight” ))
He almost seemed to call his fellow people poopy heads.
Naturally, Pay Pal sent out their very own tweet. ((Rakesh Agrawal is no longer with the company. Treat everyone with respect. No excuses. PayPal has zero tolerance. ))
I've had some major meltdowns, so I almost feel bad for him. 

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