Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Fun With Terms From the Internet: The Return

Fun With Terms From the Internet:
I haven't done these posts in a long time and I figured I bring this back because I had a lot of fun. And, people seem to really like them. Usually, I post a term from Urban Dictionary and leave my comments about it. So, here we go.
0Harassenger : A passenger who is constantly on your ass about your driving skills. He/she constantly cautions you to keep a safe distance from the car in front of you, checks that you're obeying the speed limit, and is always quick to point out your navigational errors.
Comment: Sadly, I am one of these “assholes”. I can't stand being a passenger in another person's car. I want to drive my own way. I get nervous because my life isn't in my own hands. I will even stomp my foot down to try to stop the driver from getting too close to another car. I am also calculating “outs” if someone pulls out in front of us. I usually don't get into other people's cars of late.
facebook mommy : One who is a worthless mom in real life but posts photos of them with their kids like; #lovemybabies #kidsaremylife
Comment: Yes, I have a few FB friends that are moms now. And, they tend to focus on their kids in almost every post. Remember, there was a time when there was a mommy blogger. That's sort of dried up of late. FB moms aren't worthless, but they're focused on a single subject, posting hundreds of photos of their children. I wouldn't want to do that given there a lot of creepy people stalking FB.
Wikipedant : a person who is excessively concerned with looking up minor details and rules on wikis (notably Wikipedia) or with displaying their internet-learning, esp. when it has just been learned.
Comment: Sadly, this is me as well. I will rush to wiki just to look something minor up. Anytime I am watching a movie, I will go to its wiki page to look up random facts. And, I will look up stuff just for the hell of it.
Whitespoken : Adjective: to sound Caucasian when you are not, usually to someone's surprise.
Comment: I've been accused of this type of speak my whole life by white and black people. “You sound like a white guy.” Screw you.
Tip Slip : when the tip of a penis slip out of the bottom or the hole on your underwear
Comment: Uh, no comment. Let's just say I thought this was something completely different.

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