Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Alec Baldwin arrested...he can't get a break

Alec Baldwin arrested...he can't get a break
Is this a 30 Rock deleted scene? I certainly hope so, because it was funny. Or should I say that The Shadow got himself arrested?  What kind of place do we live in when a freaking superhero can't get a break?
From CNN, ((The "30 Rock" star allegedly became angry and started yelling at police after they asked him for identification to give him a summons, police said. The other summons was for riding a bike against the flow of traffic. Baldwin is to appear in court July 24. ))
So, they basically asked, “What's in your wallet?” People and cops know that Alec has a short fuse, so they were hoping he blow up. And, given that cops love issuing tickets for revenue purposes, they are going to be quick to write those up. Remember, solving crimes doesn't bring in extra revenue, issuing tickets does.
Now, Baldwin probably should have known better because you can't go against the flow of traffic on a bike. And, you can't blow up every time someone tells you to do something.
By the way, Baldwin is looking pretty fit in those pictures. And, I have the same wheels on my bike too. It looks like he put some street slick tires on those wheels. 

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