Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Waterfront Park flash mob attack

Waterfront Park flash mob attack
From Louisville.com, ((This past weekend on Saturday night, March 22, there were nearly 17 instances of assault, robbery, and vandalism that began at Waterfront Park. These instances sent at least six people to the hospital, and families left the Waterfront in fear for their safety and their lives. ))
It is getting to the point that these flash mobs are getting out of hand. And, the problem I keep seeing is that these violent crowds are mostly comprised of young black people. I pr actually live at the park, so you usually don't see this type of behavior. This is becoming a huge problem in the black community and has to be discuss instead of throwing it under the rug and calling it racist. We have to talk about the lack of parenting going on in this incident. I remember being a teen and never considered the attacking random people.
Basically, 200 “thugs” went around the Waterfront Park attacking people, stealing bikes, and jumping on cars. The worst part of the incident was this. From Courier Journal.com, ((Just after 7 p.m., while still daylight, a band of teenagers attacked a 13-year-old girl because they wanted her sneakers, police said. A 40-year-old man came to her defense and was pummeled by the mob. ))
What kind of people beat up a 13 year girl and then proceed to attack a 40 year old man? People, we have to be better than this. We need to turn these people in and shun them. However, we still have this no snitching policy when it comes to these things.
Supposedly, these teens went to social media to organize the mob. Who thinks this is entertainment on a Saturday night? We need to start talking about this behavior and the attacks that happened.
I went to the Waterfront Park today to ride my new bike and the police presence was increased. I saw squad cars and cops on bikes. So, I feel a better about that. The problem is now anyone fitting that description will now get sideways looks. Plus, two of the “thugs” were arrested.
And part of me wants some of these punks to try something with me. However, I don't want to think that way.

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