Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Well, it certainly looks likes a Michael Bay film even though he didn't direct it. I didn't think it was as bad than I thought it would be.
-The trailer implies that Turtles were created on purpose. It seems a little strange, but I am okay with this strange.

-The design of the Turtles seem a bit extreme and too big for my taste. They have Transformers-lumpy design, which I don't like.

-Megan Fox as April O'Neil: Yep, she seems bad, but she at least looks attractive. However, the actual pornstar April O'Neil actually looks the part. I do like the yellow jacket though. It is a nice throwback to the cartoon show.

-The clothing for the turtles seems more of a samurai design than ninja.

-Just a mask: Yeah, I never understood the reason behind the mask either even in the original show. And, it is played as a joke/lampshade. I know the reason. The design for the animated turtles were the same so they used colors to tell the different, but in universe it doesn't make sense. As the other shows went on, they designed the Turtles to look different from each other.

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