Friday, April 25, 2014

They didn't teach that in school...

Didn't know lap dances were a part of the teaching process...
I don't remember this happening when I went to middle school. All I would receive from teachers is a yell and lower grade. Back in the day, I couldn't even get a girl my age to even talk to me let alone what this kid had happen to him. Saw this over at Tommy's site and said “What in the hell?”
From ABC, ((A middle school teacher is facing a felony charge, after she allegedly gave a student a lap dance for his birthday. ))
And, you think that's bad. She is 42 years old and preformed the lap dance on the 15 year front of the rest of the class! Given that there are cameras everywhere and in everything, why would she think this wouldn't be leaked out?
Why would she even think this shit would be a good idea to begin with? I am at a total loss for words.

By the way, she's claiming the she was pressured into doing it by the students. Uh, does that mean I could have pressured my teachers into give me A+s? 
Why does this come to mind when I read this story?  

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