Thursday, April 24, 2014

Avril Lavigne: Hello Kitty

Avril Lavigne: Hello Kitty
It is as if she wrapped Katy Perry and Keshia into one annoying music video. You're trying too hard. This song has everything that is wrong with pop music today. Throw in autotune and shitty dubstep. Now, we just follow trends in order to make music. 
Lavigne isn't the peak of great music, but at least it didn't sound like the crap today. Now, she's just joined the rest of them and thrown in disjointed music in with yelling.
-Racist? : Not at all. It is just a long line of Pop Stars using Japanese culture in their music videos. There's nothing racist about this video really. It just comes across as annoying and unoriginal. Are we going to have a Cancel Lavigne hashtag battle soon? Oh, crap.
-Candy motif: Uh, didn't Katy already do this?
-Skin Diamond haircut: Why are women shaving half their hair off? How is this sexy? It looks like you've been fighting a samurai.   

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