Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Way Way Back

The Way Way Back
I saw the trailer for this film and thought it looked good.  I just never got around to it until it showed up On Demand from one of the paid cable channels.  Despite a few “setting” problems, the movie totally works as character piece.  It is not so much interested in plot but moving a few characters forward.  I loved this movie…maybe because it seems to mirror my life. 
The lead character Duncan finds himself going to a vacation home for summer break with a new family structure. He will have a new stepfather in the form of Steve Carell. Carell's character is a complete utter jerk to Duncan, but it does get this character to kick-start his life and open up. By doing so, he's able to take chances and open up to people at his new summer job.
Liam James as Duncan is the perfect kid to play this unhappy child from a divorced family.  Duncan simply wants to be left alone and be unhappy.  He starts to open up once he begins to visit this water park, which he starts to work there as a summer job. 
-The chemistry between Sam Rockwell and Liam is just great to watch.
-Toni Collette : She plays the very concerned mother of Duncan. It is almost she is aware of every mother that has had an awkward child that is depressed and a loner. She has these looks where she sees her son becoming more distant from her.
-Allison Janney : She plays the “speak her mind” neighbor. She's really good in the part.
-Sam Rockwell : He's just brilliant as the easygoing boss of the water park and he becomes Duncan's father figure as well as his best friends.
The biggest flaw of the movie is that it was clearly written for a 80s time period.  There are tons of hints of this throughout.  And, I actually thought the movie was set in 80s until Duncan is seen wearing ear-buds and listening to an I-phone.  Everything else just feels like a 80s setting.  Clearly someone wanted to make sure it set in modern times
This movie might not be for everyone.  For people that grew up as outsiders, they will love this movie. Jim Rash did an outstanding with the script and his small part in the movie.  It’s a nice little movie with a lot of heart for us outsiders that grew up in a difficult time.  Are there a lot of similarities to Adventureland?  Yep, but I actually like this one better than the earlier movie. 
Grade B+

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