Thursday, March 06, 2014

So, a rant is no longer a rant? Is it a bad word? (rant)

So, a rant is no longer a rant?
Wow, just wow. I can't believe someone, namely an editor of Black Voices, is trying to claim that calling black people's rants racist is going bit far. Sure it is her opinion, but it is something I hate that we do whenever we, black people, take heat from white people. We throw a word under the bus. 
Remember when black people on the left tried to make “Thug” into a racist word? Sorry it is not. There is a huge difference between the N word and Thug. 
Danielle Cadet has this to say about the word “Rant”. From Huffington Post, (("Rant" has become our go-to word to describe the inane topics and wordy arguments our ever-shortening attention spans have developed less and less patience for, even when those topics are relevant arguments we should, in fact, be spending more time discussing. ))
Nope, a rant isn't for the short attention span folks or is it a belittling word. A rant is a emotional response that sometimes gets a little too emotional. I write rants all the time, that doesn't take away from what I've written.
No one writes off their ideas because people lump their arguments as rants. You write off their arguments when we think they've gone too far or too crazy, such as Kanye West or Spike Lee. Calling something a rant doesn't weaken a side of an argument, it is just more of an emotionally charged argument that you feel passionately about. That's not a white person putting a black man in his place, because he spoke out of turn.
It is the adjective you put in front of a rant that weakens or empowers the word. Strong rant, a crazy rant, a foolish rant.
Given that we live in an era where people simply write or speak things without emotion, that a rant can be a powerful thing. As I and other bloggers have written many rants, it then becomes clear that something as sparked a fire under us.
Fellow black people, we have bigger issues to deal with than deeming a word as harmless as “rant” evil. We actually have crazy armed people killing our youths because their music is too loud, yet we are talking about loaded words like thug and rant.
End of rant...

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