Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Blogging from 2008...

Blogging from 2008...
A blast from my past or a blast from my ass?  
I still am amazed that I still get comments from people on my posts from years ago. I still get e-mails about posts I wrote back in 2005-07. I was a different person back then even I've changed my stances from that time period. I've talk via e-mail to people connected to past posts from my archives.  It just seems odd that people dig up older posts to discuss. 
I received a comment on a page about a post I did in 2008 about that Indian reality show (how can she slap?). I kind of got (not really) attacked for my comments and post about the guy. I got one comment in 2012 and recently one in 2014. I am not complaining, but I find it interesting that people will still comment on things from ages ago. 
2008 was a long time ago.  
This sums me up pretty nicely.

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