Friday, March 22, 2013

Samsung likes women

Let the Offense begin: Samsung has to apologize for its own dancers?
Samsung had a bunch of women dancing around some of their products in South Africa. This time around a photo guy named Axel Buhrmann took a picture of said event. From Huff Post, ((The event, which featured young women in swimsuits dancing in front of a new line of refrigerators and washing machines, was called "tawdry marketing" by South African tech news site GirlGuides and excoriated in an open letter from South African tech journalist Samantha Perry. ))
So, they're dancing around a damn washing machine. While I don't think of sexy babes when I want to wash my clothes, I do think it is a bit of an overreaction. Is it stupid to have half-naked women dancing around household products? Yes, but then you have to go after every tech show that hires a booth babe. I'm not even if it was even sex they were selling.
Okay, on second thought...hmm nice.  What a messa saying?  Delete delete.  

Maybe it is because I am a dude and have always connected sex with certain things.  And to be fair, I'd rather have a hot booth babe (who hates everything about me and my nerd kind) pretend like she is interested in me and the product she's hawking than a fat neck beard nerd with a man-purse.   
Fellas, she hates you in her mind.  This is the same girl that ignored you in high school.  
I actually liked this ad by Samsung and this ad got them in trouble too. Is this really sexist? Nope I actually found it rather funny.
And, I am calling BS on this one. It's a comedy where you have a woman that won't shut up. I think this is more of a comment on “hot” women than women in general. Sorry.  
When I see this...
I don't think, "I'd hit that for 900 dollars." 
All this reminds me of this funny ad from McDonald's.  
What does that even mean McDonald's?  

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