Saturday, March 23, 2013

Bill Cosby hates you liking his sweaters

Bill Cosby hates you liking his sweaters
I guess he's been eating tainted pudding pops or that New Coke has been going to his head. I got a good kick out of this story because a guy named his site and all hell broke loose when Cosby's lawyers sent the owners a cease and desist letter over the name Cosby Sweaters. They had to change the name of their website, and now it is called Next Impulse Sports. I liked the other name better.
From the site Next Impulse Sports about the threat to sue, (( In addition, as you know, the multi-colored, multi-patterned sweaters that Mr. Cosby wore on “The Cosby Show,” an iconic television program that aired from 1984 through 1992 and has continued in broadcast as reruns and in syndication both domestically and internationally through the present, are strongly associated with Cosby. The term “Cosby Sweater” instantly evokes Mr. Cosby and The Cosby Show.  ))
Somehow those ugly sweaters are now a part of what Cosby is? Okay. That means Leonard Part 6 is also a part of his legacy too. I also love that it took Cosby two years to get around to threatening them with a lawsuit.
I agree with Cosby on a lot of things and political issues, but I think he's wrong in this matter. It seems like sour grapes on his part and it is just him being an old fart. (Not being in on the joke). Given that he made Ghost Dad, you would think differently.

And it appears Cosby really hates people parodying him, because he tried to remove the online animated show House of Cosbys. And, other people have noted that he doesn't go after shows like Boondocks or Family Guy, maybe because they have deep pockets and fight most C&D letters.

I am also reminded of that story of Eddie Murphy with Cosby/Pryor. Bill have a coke and smile and shut the f' up.

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