Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sonic the Hedgehog Documentary

Sonic the Hedgehog Documentary
This is a great Documentary about Sonic, and it is very good.
-Sonic 2: Yes, it was heavily produced by Sega of American with some Japanese team members too.
-Sonic 3: Yes, the video does mention Michael Jackson partly producing the music.
-The Saturn years:  There were so many mistakes made during this era that it harmed Sega more than people thought and they didn't have the money to support the Dreamcast.  
-Sonic Xtreme: The second build of the game was based off the Nights game engine. The Nights guy got pissed and threatened to leave Sega. I had no idea this is the reason the game was never released for the Saturn. Thus, a new Sega system never had a Sonic title. The Nights character actually shows up in Sonic Adventure (And the game engine has a cameo.)
-Sonic Adventure: Fun game, but full of bugs. Characters will run right through walls and into falling to death. The voice acting is horrid and I am looking at you, Knuckles.
-Sonic (2006): Okay, this came was a buggy mess far worst than Sonic Adventure 1.  

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