Saturday, February 23, 2013

Scream & Shout by and Britney Spears

Scream and Shout:
You know what?  I actually like this song despite some of the mild autotune stuff coming from  The best part of this is the Chorus with Britney Spears.  And, surprisingly, Britney moves out of her low range and actually shows some interesting ranger within chorus.  She is an octave above  This is coming from a guy that isn’t huge fan of The Black Eyed Peas’s latter day works. 
Hey, I even like the reusing of the “Britney, Bitch.”  I think the song would have worked better without the autotune, which isn’t used for Britney. The beat (guitar portion) feels like a throwback to the late 90s with certain videogame soundtracks, and it works here.
-There is a cool FX shot where falls to the floor/wall and shatters. It is a very good effect.
-Britney looks very good: Maybe it is the very retro hairstyle, but she looks very sexy and mature in this video.
-Butterfly Doors?
Grade: B
There are three of them.  Where are you K-Fed?  

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