Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Dale Peterson: Best campaign ad

Dale Peterson: Best campaign ad

I love this ad.  I love the fake cowboy music and that he’s riding a damn horse in the ad.  Plus, he yells at his likely voters by saying. “Listen up!”  Peterson is almost like a living WB cartoon character. 
-Bet you didn't know that:  No, I didn't know that. 
-“They don’t give a rip”: Yeehaw
-What was the deal with the close-up on the damn horse?  
-Uh, illegals bused in by the thousands:  Isn't done by the farmer people for cheaper labor anyway?  Don’t play lip service. 
-You show a rifle in your ad.  You really want to get that cowboy vibe down don’t cha? 
Now, what’s funny is Dale got caught shoplifting. 
In reality, he just had to shit really badly.  It seems restrooms and old men don’t get along.  From AP News, ((Peterson said he rolled his shopping cart past the cash registers, parked it outside the restroom, and got stopped by store security when he emerged from the restroom. He said he never left the store, and he didn’t know it was considered shoplifting “once you pass the cash registers.”))
I believe him.  It is not like he was pulling a Winona Ryder.  Just show your crazy ad to the court. 

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