Saturday, November 24, 2012

Black Friday and people acting like animals

Black Friday and people acting like animals
I'm too old for this shit.
I guess we've forgotten the holiday spirit. You have to love the crowds and sounds of joyful screams when people are buying things they don't need, as they camp out waiting for the big stores to open. All this just to get that crappy iPhone or iPad that they will replace in about six months. Then, next year let's repeat it.
The companies should be ashamed, the people going in like cattle should be too. It is times like this that I hate humanity. Why are you rushing and fighting over things you really don't need? It simply amazes me how stupid it all seems.
Here are a few of my favorite moments from “Black” Friday

Two guys fight over a toy car...
I love seeing grown men fight over a toy car. Really?
Women going nuts over towels...
Victoria's Secret overflow
Yes, spend your money on overprice underwear that means nothing to the guy you're trying to impress.

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