Friday, August 17, 2012

You shit on my house, man!

You Shit on My House!
Kevin Smith mention this on a podcast and I fondly remembered this scene below.
Truer words have never been spoken. Someone give this guy an award or something.
I love the bad acting by the day players, especially from that one dude that looks back at them. If you look closely, only two of the kids look back, and the girl ignores the commotion.
The angry red-head is Courtney Gains, the guy that got his house shitted on. I checked his Wiki for shits and giggles (pun intended), and this nugget of goodness floated to the top. From Wiki, (( He is particularly remembered for a particular line in Can't Buy Me Love, where he confronts Ronald Miller (Patrick Dempsey), the film's protagonist, for throwing a feces bomb at his house on Halloween, grabbing him and screaming, "You shit on my house, man! You shit on my house!" ))
He's had steady work for a while now, and he's got movies coming out next year. I hope someone shits on his house. 

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