Friday, August 17, 2012

Blade Trinity: Thoughts

Blade Trinity
Yes, this is a terrible movie. I found it funny that the producer/writer of the trilogy David S. Goyer wrote the stories for the other movies. But he took it upon himself to direct this movie. It is an utter mess and can't even hold a candle to the first two films.
The movie turned out to be a hit, if modest. But, they never bothered to make other movies.
-Yes, Wesley Snipes didn't get along with the crew or the other actors in his scenes. He felt they were replacing him for potential sequels. He made it be known that he hated working with Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds.
-Reynolds and Biel's characters were poorly written and downright lame compared to Blade. Did they really think people wanted to see these characters over Blade?
-Blood Farm: The Blood Harvesting scenes were a leftover of the subplot deleted from the first film. It explained where the vampires would have gotten the supply of blood. They added this subplot into this story.
-The acting is really bad.
-There is a third ending filmed with the new Nightstalkers hunting werewolves.
-Patton Oswalt is in this movie? Wait, I totally forgot about that.
-Whistler Dead...again: What was the point of bringing him back for Blade II only to have him killed off in Blade III? And, we don't even get that much interaction with Whistler and Blade in this one.  And, Whistler killing cops?  
This is not the way to end a good franchise that helped renew the Super Hero movies.  Blade deserved better. 
Yes, it is Green Lantern, I mean Deadpool.  

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