Thursday, August 30, 2012

Robocop remake in trouble?

Robocop remake in trouble?

This isn't a good way to start your movie when your director is saying there is trouble on the project.
From Digital Spy, (("I talked to José Padilha by phone. He will begin filming RoboCop [but] he is saying that it is the worst experience," Meirelles said.
"For every ten ideas he has, nine are cut. Whatever he wants, he has to fight [for]. 'This is hell here', he told me. 'The film will be good, but I never suffered so much and do not want to do it again'. He is bitter, but [he's] a fighter." ))
This feels like the remake of Total Recall all over again. The studio went in and started cutting entire subplots from the movie. And, the fact that Total Recall didn't make that much money probably has the studio for RoboCop a little worried.
I have no interest in seeing a remake/reboot of this franchise. And, I only love the first two movies in the earlier franchise to begin with. I didn't need the TV show or the cartoon series.

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