Wednesday, August 29, 2012

No Swag

No Swag

Today, someone at work told me that a girl that I used to work there said this about me. 
“James just doesn’t have any swag.”
I laughed a great deal about this revelation.  First, I had no idea I lacked any type “swag” to begin with.  Second, I didn’t know I needed this “swag”.  Third, I have no idea what the hell is swag. 
I kind of lump swag with Dub Step and YOLO meaning I am too old for this shit.  It used to be a time when you would know what the hell people meant when they were talking about you.  I lump the people that have swag with the same fart-knockers that like Dub Step. 
Since I have no idea what swag means, I looked it up on the Urban Dictionary.
From Urban Dictionary, Swag ((What dipshits who think they're cool say. Swag is basically the most overused term, mainly by faggy "popular kids" who think that teenage angst will get them far in life. These kids have no life, and therefore need to kill themselves. ))
((The way in which you carry yourself. Swag is made up of your overall confidence, style, and demeanor. Swag can also be expanded to be the reputation of your overall swagger. You gain swag, or "Swag up", by performing swag worthy actions that improve this perception. A person can also "swag down," by being an overall pussy and garnering negative swag for their actions. Swag is a subtle thing that many strive to gain but few actually attain. It is reserved for the most swagalicious of people. Swag can also be quantified, with point systems existing in some circles of friends.))
If I were using RPG standards, my swag points would be SP 0001.
If you're going through all this trouble to say I have no swag, just call me a nerd, dork or geek.  Then again, I am proud that “I have no swag”.  


  1. lol, that was the acronym I was looking for when I was talking about this post.

    I forgot that was the counter to the Swag
