Thursday, July 19, 2012

Whatzupwitu: Eddie Murphy and MJ.

Whatzupwitu: Eddie Murphy and MJ.
And, you thought Norbit and Pluto Nash were bad.
You know it's Hip 90s because it has a “z” thrown in there. As mentioned in this Cracked story, Michael Jackson had nothing to do with the song, and just came in to do backup stuff. Eddie Murphy's ego was too big for him not to try another stupid comeback with this music. He tried it earlier with Party All the Time. I guess all the house/dance beats from 90s gave him to idea to try it again.
The video has all the lame aspects of “world music” that replaced much of MJ's music in his later career. Eddie from his “Raw” days would have made fun of this Eddie Murphy. This song came from Eddie's album Love's Alright from 93. The album ended up being a flaming turd on the charts. This ended his singing career again. All the songs are bad on the album, and I've listened to them all.
Did I mention that this 'colorful' video was inspired by the awful album?
The best parts of the song are clearly MJ's portions with Eddie's stuff falling flat. Eddie doesn't even try to move out of his range.
-Bad Green/Blue screen: Really, you have the both of them floating in the air? And, the clouds?
-Children dancing and singing: Yep, you had to have this in your 90s videos. I don't think they were shot at the same time as MJ and Eddie.
-Why is there a clown telling us that “The elephant is dying”? What the hell does that mean, Eddie?
-Nice manly belt there, Eddie. Did you buy that from Prince?
-Hearts with bird wings, check!
-Floating musical notes and peace symbols, check!
-Michael Jackson's hair is fabulous! “Girrrlll, he got good hair.”
"Eddie, don't hurt him.  He's the only thing good about your song!" 
It doesn't get any dumber than this, folks. Some things from the 90s show never be brought back. The only thing that would have made this better is if rainbows starting sprouting out of Eddie's ass at the end of the video. (taste the rainbow)
 "OMG, it's full of stars." 

Listen to some of Eddie's other train wreck songs from this album...

It sounds like Eddie is trying to channel Prince except with turds.

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