Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Justin Bieber's Rolling Stone Magazine cover (Manly)

Justin Bieber's Rolling Stone Magazine cover (Manly)
Okay, there are so many things wrong with this cover, but Bieber himself inflicted this new RS on us via Twitter.
From MTV, ((The pop star retweeted the cover photo after a fan got her RS copy in the mail and tweeted out a photo of it. The headline reads, "Hot, Ready, Legal," and the accompanying photo shows a much more mature version of the singer than his fans might be used to. ))
There is something disturbing about the title “Hot Ready and Legal” because that sounds like a damn porn series than a cover name. This poor attempt must be a media move on his team's part to make him appear to be more mature.
From MTV, ((And in the accompanying interview with the magazine, the singer, now 18, admits he's feeling a bit older since becoming legal. ))
No shit. You're supposed to feel older smart ass. Why do all his interviews sound like Teen Beat magazine interviews?
You can't claim to feel manly/older if you're keeping that stupid haircut. I don't know, everything about this I just can't stand. I hate hearing his songs and I hate the fact he has this massive wealth for being an terrible singer.  

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