Monday, June 04, 2012

Sexism and ASUS

Sexism and ASUS
Are we getting just a little sensitive about things now? First people were trying to make a big deal out of Will Smith's little slap, and now this.
From Huffington Post, ((ASUS' post, which smacks of sexism, shows a photo, taken from behind, of a shapely woman displaying ASUS' Transformer AIO tablet to a crowd of men and encourages followers to check out the woman's "pretty nice" looking "rear" . ))
Wow, this is the kind of joke I make all the time on this blog. Big deal. Should it be on an official Twitter account? Probably not, but that's pretty much the concept of “booth babes”. You get a bunch of attractive girls to hover around your new product to make your product look better.
And I find the overall anger from the writer of the story a bit amusing too. Please take it down a notch Bianca Bosker. I also love how other people are pointing out the “sexist” approach the other photos are. Really? Would you be saying this if the model was 200 pounds more? Probably not.

For me, I always found it amusing when companies would hire some of the hottest (alpha females) for events at conventions where some of the misshapen fanboys linger. Hot girls and the nerdiest of guys don't exactly mix. Remember, there is history there between nerds/geeks and hot girls. Hot girls ignored the nerds in high school and now they're trying to get the nerds attention.

I love seeing pictures of Booth Babes and fanboys taking awkward pictures together. (Hover Hands)

I'm all for booth babes, but I just find the mixture with sheepish fanboys to be strange.

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