Monday, June 04, 2012

Game of Thrones Season 2 finale thoughts

Game of Thrones Season 2 finale thoughts
I got to say I was a little surprised by some of the things that transpired on last nights episode. (like the burning of Winterfell) And, there were some nice payoffs too like the Daenerys and the dragons storyline. Overall, I really like the payoff of this more complex season of stories. My only gripe is that they should have combined this episode with the last episode and made it into a movie event.
-Horse Poop: We get a close up of it. That is all...
-I can watch the House of the Undying dude get burned over and over again. I understand why he captured Daenerys, but he should have know that it would have made them powerful enough to breathe fire.
-Brienne and Jaime sitting in a tree...: After Brienne kills those Stark men with the quickness, Jaime looks at her with admiration. Do I sense a relationship being born here? I really like Brienne. George RR Martin seems to like making the outcast in his world into unlikely heroes.
-The return of Khal Drogo! I really liked this character because he was such a badass. I read that they tried their best to keep that point a secret. It was a very nice moment.
-Stannis is pissed: After getting his ass kicked in the last episode, I guess I would too. What did he see in the fire?

-Poor Theon: I've never laughed as hard as I did last night when Theon makes that corny/rousing speech to his little band of misfits in order for them to fight a hopeless battle. It was a corny speech with a funny ending with one of his own men knocking him out from behind. Brilliant. I believe Theon is in for some serious pain. This speech has to be a parody of the speech in Braveheart.
-Who burned Winterfell? Was it Theon's men?
-Zombies and White Walkers: Probably the best scene in the series has to be the scene at the end. They hear the horn blow three times and that means the White Walkers are on the move. It was a chilling scene to see the undead army walk along the snow. It is also nice to watch the tension build up with the rangers hearing the horn being blown three times. They are shocked and scared at the time.
Poor Sam, he's surrounded by the undead army and White Walkers. I know he wishes the he was a bit skinnier in order to run. I love the last moment seeing the huge army of undead strolling along with other White Walkers screaming them on. The CGI was amazing to watch, especially the White Walker on the undead horse.
Winter is coming indeed!

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