Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hey, John Travolta, payback is a B'

Hey, John Travolta, payback is a B'
With all these stories of John Travolta coming out with him sexually harassing these men, I kind of have sense of payback toward Travolta. Mainly, this is because his religion (Scientology) has harassed and spied on so many people and ruin lives with their “fair game” tactics. It seems to have come back around to one of their own now with TMZ and others digging into Travolta's past just like Scientology would do all the time.
How many people have you gone after with your “fair game” attacks, John?
Anyway, the more he denies that he's not gay, the more people come out alleging that he is. I can't stress that enough, allegedly. There have been rumors that he's been having homosexual encounters for ages now.
While I am sure some of these lawsuits aren't backed by the truth, there has to be some truth to some of them.
Hey, John, why don't you step out of the closet (allegedly) instead of letting your religion cover for you?
Side note: I am not sure these men coming forward understand what they're in store for with John's religion. They're going to see harassment like they've never seen before.   

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