Friday, May 11, 2012

Bristol Palin attacks Obama's support of Gay Marriage: talk about stupid...

Bristol Palin attacks Obama's support of Gay Marriage: talk about stupid...
From the Washington Post, ((Bristol Palin says children do better with a mother and father.
The daughter of 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin made the comment on the religious website She was responding to President Barack Obama’s endorsement of same-sex marriage.))
So says the woman that got knocked up in her teens. Uh, how about you stop talking for a while before you start to really make a fool of yourself? The fact she doesn't realize she basically bashing herself in the process is just plain stupid. She's so into bashing Obama that logic doesn't go into her statements.
From LA Times, ((The post headlined "Hail to the Chiefs -- Malia and Sasha Obama" doesn't explicitly outline Palin's position on same-sex marriage. But it says this: "we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids’ worldview," and not, Palin suggests, the other way around. ))
You can't make that argument when your son does NOT have his father in his life. He's out doing photo shoots without a care in the world. This has to be one of the dumbest remarks ever created against gay marriage. Did someone tell that this statement wouldn't work coming from her?
And, you know you're doing something wrong when people from Jersey Shore are attacking you. From the Washington Post, ((“Jersey Shore” star Jenni “JWOWW” Farley tweeted, “Bristol should keep her uneducated ignorant mouth shut. If Ur living in the past u wouldn’t have a kid w/out marriage (hash)hypocrite. It’s 2012!” ))
When other stupid people are pointing out this flaw, you have a problem.

Check out her performance on Secret Life...
And, Bristol showed up with The Situation. I hate both of them.

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