Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Star Wars Dancing game within Kinect Star Wars

Star Wars Dancing game within Kinect Star Wars
And, you thought the Prequels touched your childhood memories. I heard about this strange extra in the new Kinect Star Wars game. So, they replaced hollaback with Hologram, uh yeah. They replaced Shit with Ship, that's not too clever. I can't let my Fanboy feelings get pass the fact that they mixed Hollaback Girl with SW. It just seems so wrong. But, on the other side, it is kind of cute seeing Leia dancing to a goofy song.
Why would Leia let herself go without fleeing?
Why does the “great!” “Awesome!” flash over your crotch?
What is interesting is the game is getting from poor to mediocre reviews on gaming sites. They say the controls are sluggist. And, that's the problem I have with these motion games. Maybe they should have made a dancing game without the Star Wars element.  Sure, they've run the guitar hero genre into the ground, but there is still room for this dancing stuff, without the SW stuff.  I love dancing games, because I am a huge fan of Space Channel 5.  

But wait, There's more...

Han Solo and Lando dancing to a disco song. It is both wrong and amusing at the same time. Lando can dance...because he supports Cult 45.

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