Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Chevy Chase is still an A-hole (slams Community)

Chevy Chase is still an A-hole

Super grumpy old man? 
There is a disconnect, Chevy.  It is you.  Chevy, you should be thankful that anyone wants to work with you.  I remember watching the first episode and thinking how can anyone even want to work with Chevy on the set? 
From Celebuzz, (("I want people to laugh and this isn't funny," Chase says. "It ain't funny to me because I'm 67 years old and I've been doing this a long time. I've been making a lot of people laugh a lot better than this."))
The problem is Chevy has always been an asshole. Ask anyone that worked with him on SNL. And, I have to disagree with Chevy. I think the show has never been funnier. I believe the show will probably not be back next season. I personally think Chevy is the only one that doesn't fit in with the smart humor from the show.  And, he looks bored with the show in all of his scenes. 
If the show does get picked up for next season, they should just fire Chevy anyway because he’s an ungrateful a-hole.  


  1. Actually, it is looking more and more likely that the series is coming back given its current ratings (which are higher than what was in the slot during the hiatus) and the agreement NBC made with Comedy Central for the reruns.

  2. Oh, and a Gawker breakdown of Chevy Chase's behavior since he started at SNL.


  3. It is good to know that community will be back thanks for the update.

    I just read that entire story you sent me.

    Wow, than man has pissed off pretty much everyone in the creative community.

    I vaguely knew that he and Stern has a major feud, but all the rest of the stories.

    He’s an angry dirty old man that has gotten worst with age. (True, he’s had some good movies)

  4. Watch the scenes starting at about 0:39 and then 2:13 and tell me if you notice a difference in the victim's reaction.


  5. wow that reaction was priceless. You can tell Glover hates him and he tried to smooth it over afterwards
