Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Will I see Star Wars Ep1 in 3D?

Will I see Star Wars Ep1 in 3D?
I am not sure. After reading SF's post on the subject, I thought about watching it again. Another fellow worker mentioned watching it last weekend. I liked all the political stuff and the pod race scenes, but there are two things that will keep me from watching the movie.
1. Jake Lloyd: After watching the amazing “Making of” video, it is clear that Lucas made the wrong choice as the leading actor in the movie. He's bad really bad. “Are you an angel?” Lucas what are you doing?

  1. Jar-Jar Binks: So-sir goin to be annoying Okay-Day.  I've come to actually like him in the other two movies, including his cameo in Return of the Jedi.  Look for him, he's there.  

    Jake Lloyd seems to be a little bitter about the whole thing...
    Yeah, little Jake is a bit pissy about whole thing.  

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