Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Phone Thief is a brazen dick…eww

Phone Thief is a brazen dick…
Good job on the part of the guy that confronted the thief.  The phone thief, who seems to mug for the camera, was caught.   Ross Heckman is the D-bag in the video stealing the phone. 
"Look Mom.  I'm on TV...stealing stuff."  
“Now, put it F’ back.”
The guy that taped the D-Bag also wrote a blog about the incident. It was a good move on the guy taping to not touching the guy.
“Would you mind not stealing someone else's phone?”
So, yeah the D-Bag was caught thanks to Matt “The Stand Up Mathematician. 
From the Liveleak link, (( 21-year-old Ross Heckman, from Addlestone was arrested on Monday (February 13) on suspicion of theft before being taken to a police station in Victoria, central London, where he admitted the offence.The man was handed a caution with conditions that he pay the victim £499, write her a letter of apology and not commit any further offenses before June 14 this year. ))
I think that's fair. Next time we'll just send him to the Klingon Prison Planet Rura Penthe.

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