Friday, February 24, 2012

Racist much? Vlog gets two teenager girls in trouble

Racist much?  Vlog gets two teenager girls in trouble
Wow, that was extreme. 
From The Huffington Report ((After two minors from Gainesville High School in Gainesville, Fla., posted a nearly 14-minute-long racist rant on YouTube, the girls are "no longer students at the school," ))
I’ll the first to tell you there are huge problems in the black community, because I’ve seen them first hand.  What these two girls are talking about is just racist.  Here’s my question; why would you make a Vlog on YouTube and not think there would be a blowback against you? 
The biggest problem I have is the use of the N-Word, and the version that ends with “er”.
It seems the girls have taken steps to apologize for their remarks. From, ((I am one of the girls who were in the racist video that got posted. I’m writing this so that I can tell people how truly sorry I am. I could never, in a million years, have pictured this happening with me involved. I wasn’t raised to hate people for their race, and I still don’t. I made a horrible decision in being a part of this video, and not putting a stop to it myself. No matter someone’s opinions, racism is never appropriate of any kind, and for this many people to get hurt I am so sorry. I never wanted that. ))

Here's the “epic” 14-minute video (director's cut?)

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