Friday, February 24, 2012

Father wants you to sit down

Woman ends up being a little be too revealing on the train for a dad
I will not post this video on the site, because her outfit is a little bit too revealing. But here's the link.
Basically, a woman, in a mini-mini skirt, started to circle one of the poles making sure everyone saw her mini skirt. A “concerned” father (tm)confronted her and called her a whore because he had his son with him.
There are two problems with the video.
1 Yes, she wore that mini-mini skirt to show off her body and made sure everyone saw her. I really don't have a huge problem with that because she wasn't grinding anyone.
2 Why would the father proceed to cuss in front of his son after trying to protect his precious eyes from seeing a woman's ass? Uh, you called a woman a whore in front of your child. I call that more damaging to him that the mini-skirt. Hmm, me thinks it might have been better to go to another car.
Who is this woman anyway? Just for research purposes.

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