Sunday, January 22, 2012

William Shatner to be killed off in a new Priceline Ad?

William Shatner to be killed off in a new Priceline Ad?

Here's my Favorite 
I actually liked the Priceline ads with William Shatner. They were the few ads I could actually watch and not be disgusted with them. Shatner turned the hammy Shatner up a notch for the ads. And, he was the face of Priceline. Now, there is talk of Shatner's character literally going off the deep end in a new ad for Monday.
From People Magazine, ((After 14 years, "The Negotiator" will be no more. 
William Shatner is leaving his role as pitchman for the online travel site, and he is not going softly into his good night. He's falling off a cliff. And dying.  ))
Uh, didn't Captain Kirk die in a similar manner? 14 years is a long time for an ad
Also, did you know Shatner is 80 years old. Holy crap.
Priceline has already released the ad on their youtube page.
I wonder who are they going to bring in to replace him? Captain Picard?

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