Monday, January 23, 2012

Dixie Square Mall gone?

Dixie Square Mall

While watching the commentary on the by Paw on the Blues Brother review, he mentioned the Dixie Square Mall. I looked into the comment section and it was stated that the mall was being destroyed this month. I got a little upset with that news.
The Dixie Square Mall chase from the classic movie The Blues Brothers is one of my favorite car chase scenes. The production company rented the closed mall for about eight weeks.
-Yes, that was Frank Oz asking for a Miss Piggy doll.
-Right as the car cashes through the store, a woman can be seen jumping out of the way in the nick of time. And she crashes right into the side of a counter. That must have hurt!
-Also, you can see an R2-D2 toy in the lower right corner near the same counter the woman crashes into at the 19 second mark.
-They destroyed a lot of things in the scene that would make my head spin. Some stores didn't want to be associated with the movie and had their store faces changed.
From what I've read, the mall was closed before they started filming the Blue Brothers scene. So, they were able to really do a number to the mall in that scene.
The kicker is the town didn't have the funds to destroy the mall, so it just sat there in decay for over 30 years. I can't believe no has decided to buy it or develop it. It is just a ghost town of twisted metal and rust.

There is a lot videos and pictures showing the complete decay of the mall.

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