Thursday, December 22, 2011

Prometheus Trailer

 Prometheus Trailer
I guess I am having a geek moment, because the trailer looks amazing.  This is a Ridley Scott joint with write Damon Lindelof.  The trailer looks amazing, if a little short.  But, I love the fact it only hints at what the story is about, thus giving us a guessing game as to the story elements.
This movie actually started out as a direct prequel to Alien, but Scott changed his mind. The wiki page states that this story will play within the universe of Alien, but will be standalone. I'm not sure I buy that because the “Space Jockey” from the first movie clearly makes an appearance.
From Wiki, ((The film will focus on a mythology within the Alien universe. Set in the late-21st century, Prometheus will explore the advanced civilization of anextraterrestrial race responsible for the origins of modern humans on Earth,[3] as well as the background of the Alien creature which made its first appearance in the 1979 film ))
I'm thinking there will be more of a connection to the first movie than Scott is letting people believe.
Anyone that knows me are fully aware how much I love Alien. I think of that first film as an art-house horror movie. It is wonderfully crafted with a great soft ending that suits it well. To top it off, Jerry Goldsmith's score is suits the film, (I still think they should have used some of Goldsmith's rejected cues and tracks in the director's cut).
~The transport units certainly have style as the units in Aliens and Alien. 
~I freaking love the design of the spacesuits.  Clearly a nod to Alien. 
~The ship has that worn feel as the Alien movie had. 
~The slow appearance of the title letters is clearly a tribute to the Alien movie from 79.  Plus, the sonar (screaming) sound effect is clearly homage to Alien trailer. 

Original trailer to Alien


  1. Oooh very exciting! The Alien movies (minus the 4th) are some of the only horror movies I love.

    When I first saw Alien, all I remember worrying about was whether the cat survived. I could have cared less about the humans, lol. Of course, that changed in Aliens when I started caring about Ripley. I still wish Newt had survived the 3rd movie.

  2. I like the fact Jame Cameron actually brought the cat back for the part two for a small moment with Ripley telling the cat "You're staying here."

    Yeah, the whole Newt Ripley thing was fleshed out more in the director's cut more so than the theatrical.
