Friday, December 23, 2011

Knock down folks for a pair of Air Jordans? Enjoy the Holidays.

Knock down folks for a pair of Air Jordans? Enjoy the Holidays. 
For a $200 pair of shoes named after Michael Jordan, was it really worth it?  I’m glad to see the Christmas Spirit (Holiday Spirit, take that) is alive and well as the people at the door step on the people on the floor. 
As I kid and a teenager, I never bothered with buy the expensive Nike shoes, because I didn’t see the point.  I thought it was scam to trick kids into buying a pair of shoes over 200 bucks, yet these same kids barely have enough to buy a lunch at school.
In a day and age where we have devices that can do a hundred things out of the box, why are people getting this excited about a pair of shoes? 
Basically, Nike has been hyping this retro Air Concords up for a while.  They’re the same design as the ones from 1995.  I liked the actual brand of Michael Jordan, minus Space Jam, but I just never got around to his shoes.
Maybe, I am too old for this shit. 
Does it play your MP3s or walk the dog?  
And, Merry Holiday 


  1. Even as a chick who has recently discovered my feminine side in regards to needlessly expensive shoes, this is unfathomable.

  2. I still remember everyone was into Nike shoes back in the day. Men were into 200 dollars shoes just like women, and I don't think it has changed that much today.

    I didn't know people still went nuts over Jordan shoes
