Friday, December 30, 2011

Katy Perry and Russel Brand getting divorced: It really is the beginning of the end...or the end of the beginning...

Katy Perry and Russel Brand getting divorced
From Reuters, ((British comedian and actor Russell Brand called it quits on his 14-month marriage to "Teenage Dream" singer Katy Perry on Friday, filing for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. ))
What is this? Is this the year of divorces? I'm a little jealous because I can't cash in my divorce card. 
 I guess Russel Brand and Zooey Deschanel can now offiacally hook up.
I never thought these two would last anyway, because they seemed so different from each other. Earlier this year, I didn't know much about Perry. However, I do find her very attractive because of her big eyes and curves.
And, after looking at the picture below, wouldn't you at least try to keep the marriage working?


  1. I certainly would try to keep it going.

  2. From what I read, he was an inside guy and she wanted to be out and about.

    I would have still worked on the marriage, because she seems like an outgoing person.

  3. It's tough when you have a homebody and a non-homebody together. My hubby & I clash fairly frequently over that same issue, as he confesses he's turning into a "grumpy old man" and likes going out less & less. Compromise and being able to do something you don't like for the other person's enjoyment seems to be the key (for us, at least).

  4. I'll have to remember that because I am a hardcore homebody. I hate going out, unless is it to ride my bicycle.
