Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chris Brown and Rihanna Tweeting their love...

Chris Brown and Rihanna Tweeting their love...
When it involves Twitter, you know something bad is coming out of it.
From E-Online, ((The Twitter mystery (brought to our attention by Nicky Geezy from Power 106) started when Breezy posted, "Love U more than u know!" Two minutes later, Ri-Ri responded with, "I'll always love you #1love."))
If you remember, back in 2009, Chris Brown beat the living crap out of Rihanna. He beat her so bad that it was hard to tell it was her. The swelling and bruising made me really hate Chris Brown. Brown is an awful human being for doing what he did to her.
It is also the actions of Chris Brown after the incident that has me troubled. Brown gets extremely angry and violent whenever someone mentions the attack. Plus, he behaves as if it never happened.
Now, we have these two sending love tweets to each other, with Rihanna following Chris Brown on Twitter.
This sends the wrong message to her young female fans. If someone beats the living hell out of you, you should leave them and call the police. You should cut them off and not send them “loving” tweets. It is not okay to beat someone you claim to love like that. The police report even mentioned that he bite her a couple a times during the assault. Does this sound like a sane man?
It will be disastrous if she returns to his arms after the ringer he put her through.
Unless there is treatment involved, the abuser will do it again.

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