Friday, October 14, 2011

The Avengers Trailer

The Avengers Trailer
Marvel has put a lot effort into mixing all the Marvel movies into one universe, and this movie is the payoff.  The Marvel Movie universe is a cross between the main Marvel universe and the Ultimate universe.  
After this trailer, I am looking forward to seeing the movie next year.  I’ve kept away from most spoilers, but I do know that there are aliens involved with the story. 
From the IMDB page, ((The S.H.I.E.L.D. agency brings together a team of superhumans to help save the Earth from annihilation by extraterrestrial invaders. ))
Yep, the main villains appear to be the Skrull/Chitauri...maybe. 
~The editing at beginning of the trailer feels a little too Transformers-ish for my taste.  Even the music riffs are too much like it. 
~There’s a fat cop running away from a huge explosion with a group of other people. Something tells me he didn’t get away. 
~I like them showing Loki?  But, is he really the main villain?
~Scarlett Johansson is very nice to look at here.
~I love the pissing match between Captain America and Iron Man.  Tony Stark has a nice comeback. 
 Here are all the post credit links

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