Friday, October 14, 2011

April O'Neil: The Geek Pornstar? Looks like it

April O'Neil: The Geek Pornstar? Looks like it
MC mentioned her in my preview for the Star Trek TNG XXX movie. He showed me her old blog and I read through some of it. She played Deanna Troi in the film.
Well, she was mentioned in the recent Mighty Sabo and Son podcast. And, they also mentioned that she was a geek and very cute too. So, I quickly flew to my computer to look up this April O'Neil..for pure research mind you. She had a blogspot (Not safe for work!) blog for a while before switching over to tumblr, which you can check out here. (It is not safe for work either)
 Tron!  She wears it ten times better than the Tron Guy.
Miss O'Neil is very cute and seems to have a geek mind. I mean any girl that is up on her Dr. Who is ten times cooler. And, I should have put two and two together with her performer name being April O'Neil, you know the girl that helped out the Teenage Mutant Turtles. Her look is a cross between Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Love Hewitt, and that's a good thing.
While I haven't seen any of her work, I am willing to do the research. 
 April O'Neil as April O'Neil?  Will the universe fold in on itself?  

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